Life at TLScontact

Why diversity matters: a personal perspective


1 min to read

Why diversity matters: a personal perspective

“This month has been Diversity Month, and a good opportunity to reflect on this important topic, one that is particularly close to my heart. The business case for diversity no longer needs to be made: numerous studies, such as those from the consulting firm McKinsey, have shown how having a genuinely diverse workforce can boost companies’ long-term financial performance. In this article, I want to share my personal perspective on the subject and what diversity has brought to me, both professionally and personally.

As a British national who has lived abroad for almost all my adult life, I have always worked in very diverse organisations, but none more so than TLScontact. We are diverse by the very nature of our activities, supporting government clients in the delivery of visa services to citizens all over the world. We operate in 90 countries and have a workforce made up of 63% female employees and at least 80 different nationalities.”

Extract from the article in English written by
Lucy Saint-Antonin, Head of Communications & Marketing at TLScontact

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